Digital Health Platfom: Managing Care

CX Transformation to enable care teams to deliver customized digital care for individuals with complex needs.


The Challenge
How might we provide member access to consistent & reliable answers to their key questions in a digital space that enables them to interact in a way that is easy to engage with. There are existing customer self-service channels (Chatbot and Messaging) but how can we serve members 24/7.

The Solution
We propose an integration of existing customer self-service channels, including chatbots and messaging systems, into a centralized location to provide consistent support across key points in the experience and ensure the continuity of support experiences for all issues.

The Results
• Delivered high-quality concepts, articulated user stories, and a detailed research plan for the client to gather actionable feedback for further refinements.

• West Monroe achieved a NPS score of 10 out of 10.


This project is protected by a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and was conducted simultaneously with the Digital Health Platform Member Portal project.

The client is a nonprofit healthcare organization and integrated delivery network with 44,000 employees and serving approximately 7 million members across four states.

My Role
Design Lead, Research Co-Lead

Key Deliverables
Information Architecture
User Research Plan

12 months

Project Overview


The project must integrate several pre-existing features, including a chatbot, a member services call-line, and an asynchronous messaging feature, alongside a vendor provided synchronous clinician chat. These elements need to be seamlessly incorporated into the new information architecture to ensure a cohesive and user-friendly experience.

Research Synthesis
The team performed a card sorting exercise. Findings indicated that users perceive messaging functionality is related to customer service. Users found it intuitive that they could be included in a category labeled “Customer Service & Support” or “Customer Support”. For health or medical messaging content, such as live chat with a nurse, users expect it to be found within the "Care" category.

The highest consensus in card sorting for Messaging cards related to customer/member services or general help was their pairing with other Messaging content, followed by Settings content. For Messaging cards related to medical providers or nurse support, the highest agreement was their pairing with Care content.

There’s a clear mental model that divides messaging and communication into two buckets:

1. Customer service/general help  
2. Medical/health help. This mental model was observed across both category placement and content pairings for Messaging cards.


Vendor prototypes for messaging and chatbot do not meet recommended product requirements for client product roadmap for upcoming deliverables.

How do we identify a short term IA strategy for communications that meets the client roadmap of deliverables?How do we identify a long term IA strategy for communications that meets the client deliverables?

The loss of a designer and shifting priorities led to rushed work and conflicting directives that had to be escalated to complete this project on time.

Information Architecture
Feedback from the card sorting test highlighted the need to reconsider feature access points within the information architecture. Users frequently struggled to find key features due to their current locations, suggesting that these access points should be relocated to more intuitive sections, enhancing navigability and user satisfaction.

Based on the insights gained, a new section is being created to streamline the user experience, necessitating an update to the information architecture diagram. This new section consolidates related features that were previously dispersed, ensuring a logical grouping that aligns with user expectations and simplifies the overall structure.


We initiated brief design studio sessions to generate our ideas. Following a group critique, we consolidated our top concepts into final sketches for testing.

Design Decisions
1. Members can compose a new message here as a shortcut, saving an additional click to access the Message Center.
2. Grouping of  communication modalities predicated on the relationship between complexity of task and time scarcity.

• Message - High complexity/Mid time scarcity
• Clinical chat - High complexity / Low time scarcity

• Chatbot - Low complexity /Low time scarcity

• Live chat - Mid complexity / Low time scarcity

3) New section called ‘Support’. Profile has been moved to the upper right corner of the Home page


1. Activation switch that allow a member to connect to a live agent for personalized support and guidance on even the most complex inquiries.
2. Timestamp is removed from each bubble and anchored between conversation threads consistent with Apple messaging pattern.
3. Chips assist users by refining topics, discovering related topics, next steps, and pivots. Tapping a chip is often quicker and easier than typing or speaking a response. When a user taps a chip, the text from the chip becomes their response in the conversation.
4. Upload feature should be suppressed during Chatbot conversation and subsequently enabled when the member activates Live Chat functionality.

Ex. Live Agent Handoff User Flow
1. Link out to Live Agent chat opens in frame to initiate chat.
2. Live Agent Toggle can be a way to access Live Agent or as a status indicator to highlight a Live Chat is in progress.

Message Center
1. Delete and print commands have been hidden under ellipses icon to reduce cognitive load.
2.. The vendor's concept has been adapted with minimal changes to the UI. However, the vendor's concept is a synchronous messaging application. Due to current constraints, the client will continue using asynchronous messaging functionality. In a future quarter, the client plans to adopt the vendor's synchronous messaging system.

New Message User Flow
1. Flow has been segmented into a multi-step process modeled after the vendor health assessments.

What I Learned
Big ideas drive innovation and strategic direction, often holding greater importance than the meticulous focus on craft and execution. Balancing long-term visionary goals with short-term actionable steps requires an artful approach to ensure both immediate progress

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